Rosanne Bloomer – Committee Volunteer
June 2022

Rosanne Bloomer (R) catches up with Erika Taylor, Karen Ufer, Marguerite Smith, Allene Smith, Castor Long, Remy Long, and Rhus Long (L-R)
After Rosanne and her husband protected their 152-acre farm – Bur Oaks – in 2005 through the City of Ann Arbor Greenbelt Program, not only did Rosanne devote her time to making delicious traditional, non-GMO varieties of popcorn at the family farm, she began volunteering her time to Legacy. Since 2007, Rosanne has generously donated over 300 hours throughout various board, committee, and task force positions.
As a retired Senior Financial Officer with Greenstone Farm Credit, Rosanne’s financial knowledge has most recently been an integral part of the Finance Committee and Legacy’s overall financial stability.
We are extremely thankful for Rosanne. Her passion for land protection and meticulous financial acumen are essential to Legacy’s success! Thank you, Rosanne!