Dear Friends,
Tucked away along a dirt road canopied with lush foliage on Iron Creek sits 76 acres of rolling oak-hickory forest. Dotted with intermittent wetlands and a rare domed fen, sandhill cranes forage, deer frolic in fields, songbirds pluck grasshoppers from the prairie, and yellow lady slipper orchids bloom among the grasses.
Imagine this slice of southern Michigan is where you grew up. Imagine this is your home.
For landowner and Legacy supporter Sybil Kolon, it is home. She spent her childhood driving this winding dirt road to fill her Sundays exploring the wooded oasis with her dog. She exhausted countless hours running through the fields and picking wildflowers. And she made priceless memories alongside her nearly 30 cousins soaking up everything her grandparents’ small family farm had to offer.
Sybil and her large extended family have filled these 76 acres with love–for the land and for their family–for 75 years. And as third generation owners, Sybil and her husband Maan have continued that legacy of love for their community. Opening up their land over the years to share it with their friends and neighbors, they have hosted annual potlucks and welcomed the community to explore the fields, forests, and wetlands with them.
The love that has grown here is special. Sybil and Maan know it. And they know it needs to be protected forever so that future generations can experience the same beauty, serenity, and joy they have been so fortunate to enjoy. Help us continue the legacy of love with a gift of $50, $100, $200, $500, or whatever feels meaningful to you. [DONATE]

Sybil Kolon gives staff and the Stewardship Committee a tour of the future Iron Creek Preserve – Photo by Susan LaCroix
Within the next year, Sybil and Maan will donate their land to Legacy and establish the Iron Creek Preserve–our 8th nature preserve! We are honored that they have chosen Legacy to continue their legacy of love. We are overwhelmed by their generosity. We are humbled by their act of service above self.
And that’s what conservation is at its core–a selfless act of love. A thoughtful choice to conserve our farms, wetlands, and forests that will protect not only one future, but the future of this planet and everything–plant, animal, or human–who lives here.
Every choice. Every act. Everyone builds a community of love and a stronger, more sustainable future for ALL of us.
This act of love extends beyond our landowners. It continues with Legacy through our dedication to conserving and stewarding the land forever. It continues with YOU through your generous donations and loyal volunteerism.
Local philanthropists Dick and Norma Sarns are no strangers to this love. As longtime Legacy supporters, they’re inspired by the love in our community, and they’re challenging you to join them. For every dollar you donate from now until December 31st, they will match it up to $50,000!
Your gift to Legacy helps protect natural areas like the soon-to-be Iron Creek Preserve, and ensures a future of cleaner water, fresher air, safe places for wildlife to roam, and more space for native plants to thrive. Thank you for your support and continuing the legacy of love and stewardship, forever.
Yours in conservation,
Diana Kern