Legacy Physical Office Closed Through April 6: A message from the Executive Director

Message from Executive Director Diana Kern:

During this unprecedented time of uncertainty and concern, and as we all make efforts to minimize the impact of the COVID-19, beginning Tuesday, March 17, our physical office will be closed through April 6 (or longer if needed) and the staff of Legacy Land Conservancy will be working remotely.

All staff will continue to respond to emails and voicemails. Meetings will continue as scheduled but will happen virtually.  All public events and trainings have been canceled until further notice.  We will continue to keep you informed of our on-going work via our social media platforms during this time.  We would encourage everyone to perhaps visit one of our Preserves where isolation with nature might lift your spirits. 

If you have any questions, please email or call me at [email protected]. Thank you for your support. Wishing you and your family health and well-being.

Diana Kern
Executive Director
Legacy Land Conservancy

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