Legacy Announces Renewed Land Trust Accreditation

Land Trust Accreditation CommissionLegacy Land Conservancy has achieved renewed land trust accreditation from the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance.

In 2008, Legacy became one of the first accredited land trusts in the nation. This accreditation was a testament to over 40 years of voluntary conservation, supported by our extended community, and adhering to a set of standards designed to help guarantee that our work will endure forever.

This December, Legacy was awarded renewed accreditation.

“Legacy Land Conservancy is one of the first land trusts to achieve renewed accreditation, a significant achievement for the land trust and…major milestone for the accreditation program,” said Commission Executive Director Tammara Van Ryn. “Accreditation renewal, which must be completed every five years, provides the public with an assurance that accredited land trusts continue to meet exceedingly high standards for quality.”

Susan Lackey, Legacy’s Executive Director, views accreditation as an important tool for Legacy.  “While the purpose of conservation remains the same, the practice is changing along with the rest of the world,” she says. “Accreditation is a tool for helping us manage that change, and for assuring that we don’t lose track of the essentials as we shift to meet new conditions.  Whatever we do, it’s about the promise of ‘forever’.  Accreditation helps make certain the right pieces are in place to will provide that guarantee.  It helps continue to do the right work, the right way.”

To learn more about the Land Trust Alliance, please click here.

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