The universe of people making a difference for local land conservation through Legacy Land Conservancy has expanded to include another set of landowners, Cathy Kamil and Dave Foster. They are happy to have protected their forested wetland adjacent to Waterloo State Recreation Area.
The protection of this 30-acre property ensures that its connection to a larger wetland area within the recreation area will remain intact. The land will also continue to provide clean air and water, high-quality wildlife habitat, and scenic views for years to come.
With all these benefits, this project readily fulfills the goals of the Emerald Arc, Legacy’s initiative to form an arc of protected land around rapidly growing southern Michigan communities. By expanding existing protected areas, projects like this promote wildlife corridors and a healthy landscape.
Cathy and Dave chose to protect their land via a conservation easement, which offers permanent protection to privately owned land. They continue to own the land and will manage it in accordance with the agreement, which is enforced by Legacy in perpetuity, regardless of ownership succession.
Cathy’s and Dave’s decision to protect their land was truly heartfelt. Cathy says, “We cherish our property and its location within an exceptional region of Michigan. Not just for today, however; our love reaches for tomorrow as well.”
Cathy and Dave brought an extraordinarily forward-thinking mindset to the creation of their conservation agreement. When considering the future of their land, they envisioned the possibility that succeeding owners might want to establish a homestead on the land. So, in partnership with Legacy’s staff, they structured the protection agreement in a way that would allow part of the land to be used for a small farm or garden.
“Understanding that preservation requires thoughtfulness, effort, organization, even sacrifice,” says Cathy, “we are grateful to Legacy for helping us protect our small corner of the natural world.”