Announcing the Tolen Trail

In late October, Legacy Land Conservancy dedicated the main trail in the Sharon Hills Preserve to long-time Preserve Adopter Jim Tolen.  Tolen passed away in October 2013.  Tolen’s friends and family joined Legacy staff members for the dedication.

Sharon Hills, Legacy Land Conservancy, Tolen Trail

Guests walk the Tolen Trail

When asked about her memories of Tolen, Legacy Executive Director Susan Lackey stated:

“Even before Legacy was given the Sharon Hills Preserve, Jim Tolen was watching over it.  When we acquired the property in 2000, Jim became actively involved in helping us steward the property.  From mowing trails to emptying trash cans to gently (or firmly) reminding people that hunting, snow

Legacy Land Conservancy, Sharon Hills,

Child at Tolen trail dedication

mobiles and four wheeling wasn’t allowed there, Jim was our eyes and ears.  On his ever present tractor, accompanied, in the early years, by his devoted black lab Reilly, Jim was the soul of the Sharon Hills Preserve.

The dedication plaque for the Tolen Trail reads:  ‘Dedicated to Jim Tolen – whose generosity, big heart and love of nature is in every bend and dip in the trail, and in every flower and tree.’  Truer words were never spoken.”

Tolen Trail Plaque





For more information on the trail and on Sharon Hills Preserve, please click here.


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