Prescribed Burn at Sharon Hills Nature Preserve

On April 9, 2014, Legacy Land Conservancy and PlantWise conducted a controlled prescribed burn at our Sharon Hills Preserve. This burn will help restore the native ecosystem by stimulating native plant growth and controlling invasive species.  Legacy staff members Dana Wright and Jerry Friends, along with volunteer David Read, got into their fireproof gear to carry out the burn.

From central trail junction looking back at parking lot during the burn

Sharon Hills Preserve immediately after Legacy’s prescribed burn.

From central trail junction looking back at parking lot 18 days post burn

Sharon Hills Preserve 18 days after the prescribed burn.

This picture was taken 18 days after the prescribed burn. Its amazing how quickly the plants respond! We’ll be watching for plants like bee balm and big blue stem grass to increase in this area which means more food for the birds and bees!

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