Giving thanks

In this time of giving thanks, we give ours to you. Your loyalty and support are vital to helping us protect and preserve southern Michigan. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving from the Legacy Land Conservancy family to yours.

Happy Thanksgiving


Legacy staff is thankful for…

Camryn camping at Nordhouse Dunes

Camryn camping at Nordhouse Dunes

Camryn – I am thankful for the land for teaching me how to live my life in a way that makes me feel free.  Endlessly grateful that I am able to pursue a career that allows me to deepen my connection to the natural world.





Diana and friends

Diana – For 2023 I find so much to be thankful for, even though this year brought some personal hardships. First, and foremost, I am thankful that I still find great joy and happiness in the work Legacy does. I am inspired by the staff, Board of Directors and volunteers that work tirelessly for the land. I could not work with a greater group of people! I am also thankful for the healing power of nature – the squawk of the pheasant I heard when visiting a potential easement, the sighting of the grey cheeked thrush at Reichert Preserve last spring, and for that blinking, inquisitive little red fox that watched me inspect a tire on Parker Road in September on my way back from a partner visit in Adrian.


Michelle and Matt at Lake Tahoe

Michelle – I am thankful for the continued health of my family and extended family, coworkers who are fun and inclusive, my dog who is excited to see me when I have been gone for less than 2 minutes and the limitless amount of books ready to be read!





Susan and Zinnia

Susan – I’m thankful for being able to work with inspiring landowners to help them achieve their property goals. 

I’m thankful for the beauty of autumn.

I’m thankful for my sidekick who is always ready for an adventure.



Hannah and Kelby

Hannah – This year I am endlessly grateful for:

  • Change and all the good things it can bring
  • My three goofy cats
  • My amazing new job
  • Delicious food and clean drinking water
  • My hands and the things they can make
  • Gorgeous natural spaces so close to home
  • Daily laughter
  • My friends, family, and knowing they are healthy and joyful
  • My husband, who has shown me how unconditional love can change a life


Clint and Lexi

Clint – This year I am thankful for our woods, our water, for my great friends and family who make the time spent there even better, and for all the memories to be made with my partner and cat in our new home.





Allene and Remy

Allene – This year, front and center on my thanks-giving stage is my gratitude for my constant pal, my old friend, who lifts me up and inspires me to return the favor. I’m grateful for his partnership, patience, authenticity, and grit. I love the dynamic, effortful life we continue to create. Cheers to my bee!




Mario, Vinnie, and Daisy

Mario – I am thankful for my partner and dog Daisy and all the little moments each day has to offer.





Kyler and Lauren

Kyler – I am thankful for Legacy’s 2023 AmeriCorps members for all of the hard work they did this year as they wrap up their service term, as well as the wonderful other members of Legacy staff that fill our work with joy. I’m thankful for my family and friends and for the fall chill as the leaves drop and season shifts. 




Ally (R), sister (C), brother-in-law (L)

Ally – This year I find myself more thankful than ever for my wonderful friends and family. I am also very thankful for the entire Legacy staff in their helping me grow both professionally and personally over this past year of service.





Pam and family

Pam – I am thankful for life allowing me to experience this crazy planet with the best group of family, friends, and co-workers imaginable.






Kyto, Chloe, and Aki

Kyto – I am grateful to have finally been able to experience all four seasons of the pure Michigan outdoors, and to have experienced it with my loved ones. Thank you Chloe and Aki for your endless support of laughter and company.





Krista on Mount Hood

Krista – I’m thankful for the opportunity to find love and beauty in every bit of this world, and for a soft spot to land when I come home.