We Love Our Volunteers!

Everyone had a great time at the Volunteer Appreciation Picnic at Tantré Farm in May! The threat of rain didn’t stop our steadfast supporters from coming out to enjoy a potluck lunch and beautiful tour of the farm. We also celebrated some very special volunteers at the picnic’s Volunteer Awards Presentation.

Awards Recipients

Eco Steward Bur Oak Awards: Sara Lupkas and Marguerite Smith
For their dedication to Legacy in logging over 100 volunteer hours!

Helping Hand Award: Sandy Sorini
For her substantial support serving as a Legacy Trustee and offering her expertise in the legal aspects of Legacy’s work since 2012.

Legacy Mentors Award: Neal Billetdeaux and Charity Steere
To honor our past Volunteers of the Year for their continuous support and leadership in pursuit of Legacy’s vision

Congratulations and thank you to all of our volunteers for your outstanding dedication to and support of Legacy! On average we have approximately 100 volunteers who provide 7,000 hours of support during the year. We could not succeed without your efforts.

Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon 2018

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