Legacy’s Farmland Partnership with Washtenaw County Parks and Rec.

35 pumpkins 2Did you know the Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission (WCPARC) works to preserve and protect farmland throughout the county – and that Legacy helps make it all happen?

Legacy works under contract with WCPARC to assist the Commission and its Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Committee (ALPAC).  This fall marks the third round of review of all farmland properties nominated to the county for protection.  Together, we are securing conservation easements on farmland to ensure that  it is protected for generations to come, while leaving the land in private ownership and on the tax rolls. Each conservation easement is tailored to meet the needs of the landowner, and farmers are able to work the land as they always have.   For more information, contact Robin Burke (robin@legacylandconservancy.org).

Photo taken at Feldkamp property.