Heart of the Lakes Annouces: Michigan Sees Increase in Protected Conservation Lands

Manchester Michigan, Marsh Creek, River RaisinHeart of the Lakes, the statewide association of Michigan’s land conservancies and other nonprofits dedicated to land and water conservation, released its Annual Protected Lands Survey earlier this month. Legacy Land Conservancy participated in the survey as a member of Heart of the Lakes.

Findings from the survey show that 27 land conservancies helped protect nearly 10,000 acres of natural, scenic and working farms and forests throughout Michigan in 2014.  The collective protected lands total for the groups now stands at 597,516 acres. As part of those findings, Legacy protected 373 acres on five properties, bringing its protected lands total to 5,910 acres.  In 2015, this number surpassed 6,000.

To read the rest of the press release, please click here.

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