Gratitude Tuesday

#GratitudeTuesday Legacy staff photo. Thank you!It is that time of year…Giving Tuesday. Your social media and inboxes will be filled with requests today from nonprofits around the world seeking support. But Legacy isn’t like most nonprofits. Instead, we want to use today to say THANK YOU for the giving you do all year long.

From volunteering your time, to the gifts you provide in response to our newsletters and mailings, we are thankful. Many of you give from donor-advised funds or send in pledges you fulfill throughout the year, and for that, we are thankful. Without you we couldn’t work to protect and preserve the forests, wetlands, farms, and prairies we call home.

Today the Legacy staff and board are once again celebrating GRATITUDE TUESDAY. We are so grateful for you and your support every day–THANK YOU! ❤️