Borrowing From Future Generations

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“I believe we do not inherit this Earth from previous generations, but we borrow it from the future ones.” ~Congressman John D. Dingell

I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I’ve had the opportunity to meet Congressman Dingell a couple of times – to shake his hand, to listen to his stories and to hang on his every word. But, it wasn’t until recently that I heard him speak those same words again and they meant so much more to me.

You see, I’m 38 weeks pregnant with my first child. As I write this, my enormous belly brushes the edge of the table and my little girl either kicks me in the ribs or squeezes my bladder like her own personal squeaky toy every few minutes.

In a couple of weeks, my husband and I will finally get to meet her. We’ll get to hold her, to kiss her, and to love her. We’ll get to teach her about the world and show her all the beautiful things Mother Nature and Michigan has to offer…from the animals, flowers, and trees to the rivers, lakes, forests, prairies, and farms.

Unfortunately though, today, many of the beautiful places and landscapes we want to share with our daughter are still in danger of disappearing. While there has been a renewed effort over the last decade to contain urban sprawl, control development of our open spaces, save our local farms, and protect our waterways, there’s more that needs to be done to make sure our daughter and all future generations will have the same experiences we had.

That’s why organizations like Legacy Land Conservancy are so important.

Legacy helps Michiganders, like you and me, protect forests, prairies, farms, wetlands and waters – today and forever. By working with landowners interested in conserving land for its natural, recreational, scenic, historical, and/or productive value through methods like conservation easements, Legacy ensures that future generations will enjoy the clean water, fresh food, and peaceful recreational opportunities that have characterized Washtenaw and Jackson counties for generations. (Click here to find out more about preserving your land.)

If you’re like the majority of us who don’t have land to preserve, but have a deep connection to your community and want to preserve it for those who come after us, you can still make a difference by donating to – or volunteering with – Legacy.

Donors and volunteers are Legacy’s lifeline. Every donation and every volunteer hour enables Legacy to carry out its mission successfully. Legacy could not protect and steward the 6,000 acres of land without them. Donors and volunteers help offset the maintenance and preservation costs that Legacy assumes with each existing and new land protection project.

As the arrival of our little girl quickly approaches, Congressman Dingell’s words weigh heavily on my mind. Today, I have made a promise to her. I will live each day enjoying this Earth, but I will work even harder to make sure I leave it in better condition than it was given to me so that all future generations can enjoy it for years to come. I hope you will join me and do the same.

Posted by: Pam Bierzynski
Legacy Land Conservancy, Office Systems Associate

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